Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Welcome to the beginner's guide on how to take care of your chinchilla!

What is this Blog?

This blog is a quick guide purposefully aimed to guide you in the right direction of how to take care of your chinchilla! This blog is designed to help those who just got one of these little guys or for those thinking about getting a chinchilla of their own. My posts will be organized into different topics of proper chinchilla care with tips and instructions from professional exotic veterinarians, the internet, and from personal experience as I own two myself. 

Why am I making this Blog?

This is a chinchilla

Besides the fact that I am doing this as a project for my grade, I also decided to do this blog above all else because chinchillas are quite unique pets and are surprising to first-time owners, and so to prevent any accidents or misconceptions with your pet; I am making this blog to clear up a proper path to having a happy chinchilla!

What is the Final Goal of this Blog?

My final goal for this blog is once it is completed, you will no longer be a stranger to how to exquisitely care for your pet chinchilla. I will take any questions in the comments if there is something that you all are pondering over (and do not be afraid to ask! It could be important!).


  1. Very clear. Very clever. This will be a really helpful resource for people interested in adopting these cuddly creatures.

  2. Sounds like an ambitious project, I cannot wait to see the completed results.
